Diamond Dash Bot Facebook

I’m not really very good at this game, especially because I’m not fast enough to click those tiles with the same color. So what I did was create a bot that will identify those tiles having the same color with the most count, and click it (as fast as it can). This is my first time to create a game bot, so all critics are welcome.
I tried playing the game for a few times, and realizing that I suck at it, I just spent the next 3 days coding my game bot.

Step 1: Find the coordinates of the game grid on the screen.
Step 2: Using that coordinates, find the tiles inside.
Step 3: Find the connecting tiles having the same color with the most count.
Step 4: Click those tiles.
On the side note, I had to incorporate multi-threading to the bot, so it runs smoothly, and it should consume less memory and less file size.
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